

Congratulations on your decision to accept the challenge of taking college courses while in high school. 你会体验到节奏, 严格, 个人责任感是大学成功的关键.

大学联系课程 是由经过认可的高中教师与JCC教员合作教授的吗. We ensure that the course offered in your high school is consistent with those offered on campus. 大学联系课程使用JCC课程, 遵循大学作业和考试要求, 使用大学教科书.


  1. 和你的高中联系一下,看看有哪些课程是可用的. 每所高中都提供自己的一套课程.
  2. Complete the ACCUPLACER placement test at your high school (if needed for the course you want to take). 你必须达到特定课程的最低要求才能上那门课.
  3. 完成课程后获得大学学分. 你的成绩将被记录在JCC的官方成绩单上.


JCC是由肖托夸县和卡特拉格斯县赞助的. 阿勒格尼的学生, 伊利, 怀俄明, or any county in New York State other than Chautauqua or Cattaraugus must fill out a certificate of residence (COR) form, 根据纽约州教育法的要求. Students who have lived in either Chautauqua or Cattaraugus counties for less than one year are also required to submit a COR to any NYS county they resided in during the past 12 months.

此表格必须签署、公证,每学年提交一次. Students who do not have a valid COR on file will either be dropped from their JCC course(s) or required to pay tuition.

Students may drop a course in the first few weeks during the open registration period. 一旦教练核实了花名册(普查), 学生必须正式退课. To formally withdraw from a course, notify your high school instructor and school counselor. You may withdraw from a course through the last day of final exams and receive a "W" grade. Students must discuss withdrawing with their instructor and obtain their signature on the withdrawal form. 学校辅导员也应该在退学表上签字. 如果表格不能进行物理签名, the student should email the instructor stating that they wish to withdraw from the course and give details as to why. The instructor may then forward the email to the counselor acknowledging they have communicated with the student about withdrawing, 然后辅导员会将邮件转发给大学联系办公室.

Withdrawing from a course may affect a student’s future Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) at JCC. A student must withdraw if they no longer attend class, quit school, or move out of the district. Failure to properly withdraw from a course will result in the student receiving a grade.

All program instructors and school counselors are made aware of the withdrawal dates at the beginning of the academic year. 日期也会在网上公布 还有取款单.

合格的学生主要是大三和大四的学生. 二年级学生*可以报名参加,如果他们:

  • 在课程结束时年满15岁,
  • have earned a cumulative grade point average of 80% or better in previous high school-level coursework,
  • are approved for this challenging academic experience by their high school counselors,
  • 从父母/监护人那里获得注册大学连接的许可
  • 在核对花名册时,是否已获教官批准.

*Special considerations may be available for students in P-TECH and other cohort-based programs or in consultation with JCC’s 大学连接 director, 适当的学术主任/协调员, 以及合适的教务长.

你的学校辅导员将帮助指导你完成注册过程. You will discuss with them which courses interest you and they will go over course prerequisites and placement test requirements, 如果有任何, 来决定你最终可以选哪些课程.

大学连接 students attending a NYS partner district are charged a reduced in-state tuition rate of $0 for classes offered at their high school. 一些课程需要收费. 法语和西班牙语课程需要支付实验室费用, which may or may not be paid for by the high school (check with your high school guidance office.) Students enrolling in online courses are required to pay a technology fee and learning network fee. 为BIO 1570:生物学原理, CHE 1550:大学化学1, 和CHE 1560:大学化学II, students generally enroll in the lecture portion of the course at their high schools and enroll in the lab portion of the course on campus. 学生支付一个学时的学费, 相关实验室费用, 并负责本课程所需的任何实验材料或教科书.

大学连接 students are included in JCC’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policy. 根据FERPA政策, students have a right to expect that information in their education records will be kept confidential and will be disclosed only with their permission or under provisions of the law. For purposes of FERPA, JCC considers all students independent (regardless of their age). Education records (including course grades) will not be provided to parents without the prior written consent of the student.

你会告诉你的学校辅导员你对哪些课程感兴趣. Your school counselor will go over course prerequisites and placement test requirements 来决定你最终可以选哪些课程. 对于需要分班测试的课程, your school counselor will schedule online ACCUPLACER testing at your high school and tell you the test date and time. 考试结束后,你会和你的学校辅导员一起复习你的成绩.

Like on-campus students, you’ll have a limit of one test and one retest per academic year. 大学连接 位置测试 takes place the spring semester prior to the upcoming academic year.

在注册课程之前,你必须满足考试要求, 所以一定要在暑假前完成考试!

作为课程注册过程的一部分, you'll need a parent or guardian's consent to enroll in any 大学联系课程.

令人满意的学业进展 is the expectation that you will show steady progress in accumulating credits toward graduation while maintaining a satisfactory grade point average. 根据具体情况,退出课程可能会影响SAP. Your future financial aid opportunities may require SAP while taking JCC coursework.

成绩单是你成绩的书面记录. 一旦参加了大学联系课程, an official college transcript will be generated and every course and grade that is earned will be recorded. 成绩单在每学期结束时更新. 但是,课程可能需要10天才能出现在成绩单上.

完成成绩单请求 to authorize the registrar’s office to send your transcript directly to another college or to a prospective employer. 非正式成绩单可在注册办公室领取.

作为一名大学生, you can continue your education at JCC or transfer your credits to another institution. 大学连接 students transfer thousands of JCC credits to other institutions each year. Past surveys show that less than 1% of students experienced difficulty in transferring credits.
